
Congratulations to lab member Cece for winning one of only two spots in the highly-competitive Pitt/UPMC joint program to provide full-time combined clinical and research experience over the summer.

Congratulations to lab member Grace for being awarded an NIDCD R25 Research Education fellowship, which will fund her effort in the lab this upcoming year, and offers significant tuition reduction as well.

Ben’s talk on the neural mechanisms of solving the cocktail-party problem is well received in the Neuroscience of Communication Seminar image

Thanks to Bilateral CI patient Austin for participating in our study on cognitive control of attention during an auditory streaming task

Always great to get a visit from students at the Environmental Charter High School. During their visit today, we showed them the chamber, played some demos, and talked about the cocktail-party problem.

Ben gave a talk at the Mid-Atlantic Symposium on Hearing (MASH)

Ben and Chris are attending the Conference on Implantable Auditory Prostheses in Lake Tahoe CA this week.